Introduction to Hunt

To our Easter

Scavenger Hunt in

the Park

Organised by Wallsend Churches Working Together (WCWT)

Discover the events of Holy Week on a walk together

We hope you enjoy our Scavenger Hunt.

Follow the Clues to find QR codes hidden throughout the park.

Each QR code gives a task to complete, a reason for the task,

and the next clue....

QR Codes will be checked daily during Easter week.

If you find that a QR code is missing there will be a link to the next clue on each page.

Click on the arrow under the clue.

We hope you agree that it is more fun using the QR codes!

We would love it if you are willing to send in photos of you enjoying the hunt and completing the tasks.

Photos will be shared on our website and Facebook

Please send either into this website via email, or post directly in our Facebook event.

Email us

Webpage hosted By Wallsend Baptist Church

Visit our Facebook, Youtube, and Website for more Easter Content

Wallsend Baptist Church. North Tyneside

WallsendBaptist North Tyneside

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